Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tips and tricks.

We might often ask ourselves how much clothes and shoes is too much? But really it’s up to each one of us to decide that. One motto I usually go by is how often do I repeat outfits and if the answer is too much than I know it’s time to go shopping. Just remember when it comes to fashion, one can NEVER have too much. Be seen, don’t be afraid to take chances with styles, develop your own signature style that people can remember you by, and most of all have fun with it, you can never go wrong. It’s always nice to find things you haven’t worn in your closet for a while then when you find it it’s like you just went shopping, always reinvent new outfit ideas from clothes you already have, instead of pairing it with what you normally would try something else for a change, if you get good feedback on it, it will eventually raise your confidence enough to take more chances with what you wear.